Sunday, February 8, 2009

Letter from Anonymous Québec to Cardinal Ouellet on Scientology

This is the English version of the letter sent by Anonymous Québec to Cardinal Ouellet regarding Scientology.

It has been cross-posted to For Great Justice.

For background see: For Great Justice - Canadian Cardinal on Scientology: It's not a church.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Monsieur le Cardinal Marc Ouellet
Archevêque métropolitain de Québec
Primat du Canada


Anonymous Québec and members of Anonymous world-wide both religious and non-religious alike commend you for your words concerning Scientology as reported in Le Soleil, Thursday, February 5, 2009. [1]

We are in agreement with Your Eminence that organized Scientology is not a church, and with former Apostolic Delegate to Hungary Archbishop Karl-Joseph Rauber that it is in essence a multi-national commercial operation run on totalitarian lines. [2]

Your Eminence's attention to several of the assaults on freedom of speech and human rights abuses within Scientology:

  • Shuddering into silence through fair game of major institutions of society including government, the media, and the churches [3]

  • Relentless attacks on freedom of speech on the internet [4]

  • The practice of coerced abortions in Sea Org, the staff and management of the Church of Scientology, in effect, its clergy and hierarchy. If a woman is pregnant she must abort her child or lose her job.[5][6]

  • The extensive and expensive, psychologically and spiritually dangerous practice of exorcism of evil spirits known as auditing of body thetans in the upper level Scientology courses Operating Thetan Levels III - VIII [7]

  • The routine violation of conscience in requiring members undergoing auditing to reveal the most private of sins, particularly sins of a sexual nature, which are recorded, subject to access by many, culled for Church intelligence files, and which former Scientologists allege have been used for blackmail. [8]

  • Its war on psychiatry and avowed and active intention through its front group the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) for the Global Obliteration of Psychiatry, which includes all forms of psychiatry, psychology, psycho-somatic medicine, as well as religious counseling. [9]

  • Its shocking record of deaths and suicides, particularly tragically of young people, due to medical and psychological neglect and malpractice [10]

  • Its requirement, about which it dissembles in public, that aspirants on its "Bridge Total Freedom" are required to abjure "alternative practices" including all religious practice. A former Catholic nun staff member entangled in Scientology was reprimanded for speaking about the Bible. Another staffer was punished for speaking positively of Christian books [11][12]

  • The destruction of family bonds through its barbaric practice of religious shunning known as disconnection, and the terror of thousands of family members who dare not speak up against Scientology lest their loved ones in it be punished.[13]

  • Past violations of the law including its criminal breach of trust conviction. [14][15][16][17]

  • Current law cases in which the organization is being called to account for these and other abuses. Particularly a suit for fraud in France; the two Headley cases alleging slave labor, human trafficking, and coerced abortion practices. [18][19][20]

  • Its maintenance of re-education and forced labor camps known as the RPFs (Rehabilitation Project Force ), widely referred to as gulags by former inmates. [21]

  • Its deliberate program of religious cloaking of its essentially commercial operations which it universally invokes and by which it deceived the US Internal Revenue Service into granting it recognition as a religious organization. [22]

  • Its avowed plan to Clear the Planet, i.e. to subject every human being to Scientology auditing while destroying psychiatry and replacing all psychological, academic, moral, and organizational beliefs and practices with Hubbard Technology.[23]

All of these issues require urgent public discussion particularly among the communities of authentic religions, some of whom have been co-opted into silent and tacit approval through the false irenicism of inter-faith religious groups which Scientology has infiltrated.

Anonymous places itself at your service for the education of the churches and the public about the true nature of organized Scientology so far hidden from public view behind the masks of high-profile celebrity Scientologists.

Eminence, we respectfully request that you

  • immediately alert the offices of the Primature, Latin rite dioceses and Eastern rite eparchies, and their religious and lay organizations and media to the need for a crash campaign of education on Scientology.

  • likewise alert Catholic medical and mental health care institutions and associations of Catholic professionals as well as Catholic organizations concerned with psychological abuse, destruction of families, and coerced abortion

  • establish in every diocese contacts knowledgeable about Scientology and capable of giving counsel to families and friends with family members and friends entrapped in Scientology along the lines of the Lutheran and Catholic diocesan cult commissioners in Germany. members of the Sea Org deserve the material assistance of the Church in re-establishing their iives since they leave with very few material resources and are often in need of counseling to recover from abusive experiences.

  • encourage the publishing of accounts from survivors of Scientology and make them required reading for those with responsibiity throughout the Primature: Works such as John Duignan's The Complex; Aaron David Gottfried's The Psychiatrist Who Cured The Scientologist ; Jeff Hawkin's Counterfeit Dreams , and Bea Kiddo's excellent bi-lingual (Scientology jargon - English) ebook Devoted to the Cult - Book 1: An Orphan With Parents. In French: La scientologie, facile d'y entrer, difficile d'en sortir (Scientology: Easy to get into, hard to get out) and Les coulisses de la scientologie (Scientology Behind the Scenes) by Jean-Paul Debreuil. [24][25][26][27][28][29]

  • negotiate the exclusion of Scientology from all inter-faith associations. It is not a church. It does not belong in the community of churches.

  • establish a commission of Catholic lawyers to analyze and report on the complaints of slave labor, human trafficking, and coerced abortions filed by Marc Headley and Claire Headley and assess the grounds and feasibility for similar complaints being filed in Canada

  • establish a commission to study the feasibility of bringing a human rights complaint to the UN Human Rights Commission

  • convene a conference of concerned churches, government and social organizations at which the most articulate and knowledgeable former Scientologists and critics may speak of their direct experience on the model of the September 4, 2008 conference in Hamburg by the Scientology Working Group of the Hamburg Ministry of Interior. [30][31]

  • condemn Scientology's fair gaming of its lawfully and peacefully protesting critics, and particularly the high school and college student members of Anonymous.

  • fund the sub-titling of the German documentary Der gesäuberte Planet (The Cleared Planet) and encourage its showing in Catholic schools as has done the Lutheran Church in Germany. [32][33]

  • request the Government of the Province of Quebec launch an inquiry into Scientology in collaboration with France's Mission Interministérielle sur la Vigilance et la Lutte Contre les Dérives Sectaires de France (MIVILUDES) and also ask the federal government to rule on the compatibility of goals and intentions of Scientology with the Constitution of Canada.[34]

For a year, Anonymous has striven to make known the truth about the Church of Scientology by throwing light on its activities. The means we use are strictly peaceful. We believe this is the most effective way to curb the influence of Scientology. [35] [36]

Anonymous places itself at the service of Your Eminence for the education of the churches and the public about the true nature of organized Scientology so far hidden from public view behind the masks of high-profile celebrity Scientologists.

We invite you and all concerned Catholics and the public, religious and non-religious alike to join us at world wide demonstrations next Saturday, February 14, 2009. Le Soleil has already reported on it. Further details may be found on the websites of Anonymous cells of the Province of Québec. [37]

We would be honored if Your Eminence would give us Your blessing on our efforts to bring Scientology to accountability in the eyes of society and its institutions.

Please accept, Your Eminence, assurances of our most respectful consideration.

Anonymous Québec

[1] Scientologie: «Ce n'est pas une Église» - Mgr Ouellet. English version: For Great Justice - Canadian Cardinal on Scientology: It's not a church.

[2] Light In The Darkness: Scientology organization is a totalitarian business - Hungarian Papal Nuncio

[3] Scientology Critical Information Directory: Scientology's "Fair Game" doctrine

[4] Scientology Launches New Censorship Attack on Internet

[5] Marc Headley: Formerly Fooled and Finally Free From The Deceptive Cult Called Scientology: Scientology is 'Clearing the Planet', One Unborn Child at a Time.

[6] Why Are They Dead? Coerced Scientology Abortions

[7] NOTS Scholarship Page: Demonic Possession in Scientology

[8] Scientology Critical Information Directory: Scientology's Auditing

[9] For Great Justice - Katharine Mieszkowski: Scientology's War on Psychiatry

[10] Why Are They Dead?: Scientology associated deaths

[11] Operation Clambake Message Board: Scientology Orgs: Interfering with religion?

[12] Scientology Critical Information Directory: Michael Pattinson's Experiences with Scientology - Part 11

[13] Scientology Disconnection - Personal stories, current practices, official policies, public relations

[14] Scientology Conviction In Court: The Globe and Mail Report

[15] R. v. Church of Scientology of Toronto - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[16] CanLII - 1996 CanLII 1650 (ON C.A.)

[17] Supreme Court of Canada - Decisions - Hill v. Church of Scientology of Toronto

[18] L'Eglise de Scientologie devant la justice pour escroquerie - Actualité France - Justice - Radio Europe1

[19] Scott Piliutik: Marc Headley v. Church of Scientology International

[20] Scott Piliutik: Claire Headley v. CSI, RTC

[21] Prof. Stephen A. Kent: Brainwashing in Scientology's RPF (Rehabilitation Project Force)

[22] Lawrence Brennan: The Brennan Affidavit

[23] Scientology expert on 'Taking over our government'

[24] John Duignan: The Complex

[25] Aaron David Gottfried: The Psychiatrist Who Cured The Scientologist

[26] Jeff Hawkins: Counterfeit Dreams

[27] Bea Kiddo, livre électronique «bilingue» (jargon scientologue-anglais):Devoted to the Cult - Book 1: An Orphan With Parents

[28] Jean Debreuil: La scientologie, facile d'y entrer, difficile d'en sortir

[29] Jean Debreuil: "Les coulisses de la scientologie

[30] Death By 1000 Papercuts Church of Scientology and Anonymous: Guess Which Group Didn't get Invite to German Seminar

[31] Conférence du ministère de l'Intérieur de Hambourg, 4 septembre 2008 à Hambourg: Vidéos

[32] Refund and Reparation - The Cleared Planet - A journey into Scientology

[33] Light In The Darkness: Scientology - The Forgotten Danger?

[34] Mission Interministérielle de VIgilance et de LUtte contre les DÉrives Sectaires [MIVILUDES]

[35] Jeff Jacobsen: We Are Legion: Anonymous and the War on Scientology

[36] Anonymous Québec

[37] Le Soleil - Scientologie: manif devant les locaux du mouvement

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